As is no doubt apparant by the lack of new content uploaded on this blog I am very busy lately. I have, however, fortunately found time to go see The Dark Knight. My wife and I saw it last Saturday and enjoyed it so much we saw it again last night (this time on IMAX!). This is not only the best Batman movie, but the best superhero movie. Period. I've never had the experience before where I'm completey in love with a film while at the same time annoyed with it for being so good that it's made a lot of other movies I like, in comparison, seem pretty crappy. So yeah, thanks a lot Batman.
I can't begin to tell you how much I love this picture!!! I have seen The Dark Knight 5 times so far, everytime someone says they haven't seen it I drop what I am doing and take them too it. I walked out with the sad realization that I would be bored with a lot of the movies that are coming out after seeing this one. Best comic book, superhero movie, crime drama I have seen in the last 5 years! Great job Kevin!
Great art, great movie! I was really blown away by the awesome makeup job they did on Two-Face...
Similarly, this is the best Batman art I have seen in lately, period. I love everything about it---the mix of graphic and rendered values, the moody colors, and the nice blending of angularity and curves. Great stuff, and you made me even more excited to see the movie now.
This is INCREDIBLE!!! I absolutely love it. Fits the whole mood of the movie perfectly. I know we've seen it twice, but if someone said they'd watch Max so we could see it again, I'd totally be there. Very, very cool post.
I agree man. I couldn't remember the last time i left the theater completely at peace with the amount of money i spent on candy and a drink. awesome awesome piece too man!
It's great to see they are finally getting the Batman moivies right. Awesome illustration.
Most everything was said on what I think. I really loved this movie it really put a new higher standard on movie making. Christopher Nolan showed what you can do with movie magic these days. Also great picture.
that's a wicked drawing. You're great with chopping out these appealing silhouettes!
Well done, but I suggest less movie watching and more painting.
thanks, Kev, you make my batman drawing look crappy! 9I really didn't put much time into it though), True This Movie is The Best ever, I loved it soooo much!, I Like the picture, how the backround near the bottom looks like it's cracking, yeah it rocks!!!
Cool piece . . . !
pretty awesome, I really need to go see that movie.
That's a really tasteful piece. Great! Would be a marvelous comic cover.
(The movie starts in Germany on Thursday and I'm really lookin forward to see it.)
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