During the LOST hiatus I'm going to start doing the characters from the show who are either dead or missing or a ghost or posessed or brainwashed or a zombie or something. I have no idea which category Claire falls under, maybe none of them...I love this show.
you have been nailing all of these! your paint skills have gone through the roof
Ooh this is pretty! I never realised how much she looks like a gelfling.
lovely painting!
very cool paintings mate... inspiring work
nice job. looks just like her. very cool. i like your style.
dude...That rocks! It's true, I honestly don't know where she fals in, I think,...brainwashed...
Looks great! When does LOST start back up anyway? I am excited to see what happens next.
'Parently I've been gone for a while. Amazing work Kevin! Really stunning stuff! Can't wait to see more. Now that life is back to normal, I mean.
You must have freed up some time. She looks great.
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