This year I entered the Lehi City pumpkin carving contest and won the grand prize, a year membership at the Lehi Legacy Center (which is our city's pool/track/gym place). I also won a game at a Halloween party we went to wherein one eats crackers attached to a sheet of plexiglass while wearing a blindfold with goofy eyes on it. My finest hour. So generally a great Halloween with one exception: Trunk or Treating. I hate, hate, HATE Trunk or Treat. I loathe everything about it, the practice, the name, everything. It is ruining Halloween and slowly destroying society. In the future when civilization has collapsed and we live in a post apocalyptic wasteland and people wonder where it all went wrong, I'll be there to answer, "Trunk or Treat." If you were someone who engaged in this practice over the weekend then you should be ashamed. Classic Trick or Treating forever!
Which is why you must be the leader of the Resistance Kevin. As a freedom fighter, I proudly carried my son house to house in true Trick or Treat form. If this world has to end, it will not be through me. We who are about to Trick or Treat salute you. Sweet pumpkin too!
Hallelujah and AMEN. Trunk or treating is a plague on all of us.
I often stay awake nights worrying about the Trunk or Treat phenominon and my child's future. I agree with your comments.
That pumpkin is beautiful.
Is trunk-or-treating someone's misguided attempt to avoid the mythical abuse/kidnappings/razor-blade-filled apple problems of lore?
Because if so, we can counter this threat by arriving at random Trunk-or-Treats in unmarked windowless vans. Brightly colored decorations to lure the kids inside, then snap! Off you drive. And finally Trunk-or-Treat will get the bad reputation it rightly deserves.
Just another reason I love you: we share a rabid hatred of trunk-or-treat. Isn't it romantic?
I agree with you 100% Kevin. Trunk-or-treating is an affront to everything that's good and beautiful about Halloween.
Sweet pumpkin, by the way. I'm never going to let my kids see it because then they would KNOW how lame I really am.
My congratulation for you man!!! It's really good work! :)
Look on my posts with pumpkins!!!
That has got to be the coolest halloween pumpkin I've ever seen. I love it.
I agree "Trunk or Treat" is lame. I went out with grandkids and it was fun to go with them to all the spooky houses.
Word! Trunk or Treating is gay!
that is one awesome pumpkin. WOW! And what is Trunk of Treating? The trunk part... never heard of that before!
Down with Trunk-or-Treat, for sure. Make those kids work for their food!
yeah this is the definition of COOL
Trunk or treat? Sounds foul, it isn't here, but Halloween has changed to wimpy mall parties and other "safe venues" Blah, the world will end in a ball of damp toilet paper.
There is still hope where people craft pumpkins as clever as yours.
I think this is amazing! I've never seen anyone carve a pumpkin like this before! How'd you do it?
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