The topic on the Avalanche blog is "Childhood Re-Drawings" where we're taking stuff we loved and would draw as kids and rendering them now with our more developed artistic skills. I was obsessed with the movie
Big Trouble in Little China as a child. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I would answer "a truck driver who fights monsters," which is how I interpreted the occupation of Jack Burton from the film. So I decided to paint him, my childhood hero.
That Kurt Russell is so dreamy...
Classic. "The check's in the mail".
What a great show.I hope aspire to your hero.
"...he just stands there waiting for me to drive my truck straight through him, with light coming out of his mouth!"
very slick Kevin.
What a fun show. Kinda reminds me of the Mummy movies.
Kurt Russell rocks, one of my favorite movies
I love this movie!
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