I won't bore you with the details of my long absence. I will only tell you it involved an ancient curse, a mad scientist, and high speed car chases...or I've just been working crazy overtime at work leaving me no time to draw or paint. Either way, hopefully I can now begin updating regularly again.
Love the Pirate I'll call Braid Beard. I'm sure you have been creating lots of other fantastic work that eventually we'll be able to see.
I don't think I'll ever, ever get tired of your pirate drawings. Just one more week of the overtime - you can do it!!
Welcome back Kevin! These are awesome sketches!!
Strong work!!! Top class! Congrats.
Your pirate skteche are awesome..
really cool.
It's nice to see art from you again. Looks awesome!!!
Yaaarr. There be some fine pirates.
When do we get hippie drawings?
I love the expressions you have in your drawings. Well done Bro. I'm going to be ilustrating a childrens book soon and it is going to have pirates in it, I'll be looking at your sketches for inspiration. Thanks
haha these are epic. I love drawing pirates...they're always so fun to draw,aren't they?
Great Job Kev! I love these bro!
Kevin you have to put up all your sketches man. These are awesome!
Great sketches Kevin! Your line is fantastic!
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