Yes, it's been a while. I've been busy, give me a break. Anyway, it's 2009! What better way to start a year of blogging than with the most important issue of the previous (or any) year: video games. One of those games (which I got for Christmas - thanks Heather) is called Valkyria Chronicles.

The game takes place in a fictional version of 1930's Europe with situations resembling those in second world war. You play a squad leader for the small country of Gallia, desperately struggling to fend off "the Empire" which is fighting to gain control of their land and it's ample supply of Ragnite (their main source of energy).It's a tactical RPG which you play both from a bird's eye view of the battlefield (selecting which unit to move) and from a third person view (within which you actually move the unit, playing like any 3rd person shooter). It also uses a clever turn-based combat system and a distinctive art style. An ad for the game has already played off another popular war poster featuring Uncle Sam (itself based on an earlier poster from Britain featuring Lord Kitchener).I like this image so much I wanted to do something similar and since one of the characters in the game is named Rosie I thought Rosie the Riveter would be appropriate.
Back to the games of 2008: Game of the year? Metal Gear Solid 4, followed by Valkyria Chronicles and Little Big Planet.
Right now I'm playing:
Valkyria Chronicles - If you can't tell I love this game. A lot.
I've recently finished:
Mirror's Edge - The concept feels fresh and the graphics are phenominal. When it's working it's wonderful, but unfortunately it becomes too frustrating too frequently in the latter part of the game. Still, definitely worth a look.
Gears of War 2 - I played this after hearing people go on and on about it on the gaming blogs and podcasts. Due in part to these lofty expectations I came away from it feeling it was only marginally better than average and certainly nothing special.
Prince of Persia - I ended up really liking this game. It's fun to play and nice to look at. It did feel a little repetitive by the end, but it's a great new direction for one of my favorite franchises.
Dead Space - A competant blend of Bioshock and Resident Evil 4 with a bit of it's own identity mixed in. I hoped the game would be more frightening but enemies are thrown at you so relentlessly that the tension never has a chance to build.
Anyway, what are you playing? What was your favorite game last year?
Kevin, good sir - I am going to come down and give you a high five tomorrow. Not nearly enough people have played this great game.
hello kevin,
i recently discoverd your art, and i think it is amazing!
i started a blog were i wanted to list my favorite artists and put a link (to blogs and websites). i put a link to your blog and an image, i hope thats cool.
i put lots of credit info, however, if you need me to take down the link or image just let me know and i can do it no problem.
keep up the great art!
You must play Fallout 3. You must.
Tom, I know! This game is awesome!
Eerie Eric, cool blog! I'm honored to be included.
Markus, eyeryone keeps telling me how good Fallout 3 is. I think that's what I'll play next - it looks great.
It's funny - I grudgingly bought this game for you ("Not another boring RPG game..."), but honestly, I've actually kind of enjoyed watching this one. The story is really cool. So, yeah, I guess all RPG's aren't so bad after all. And I really, really like how this picture of Rosie turned out - very cool.
Favorite game last year? Definitely Rockband. I think I say that every time I leave a comment on your gaming posts...
This game looks good. But with school and movie making I have very little time to play anything. When I do find the time I play. Prince of Persia and what ever I have on my Wii.
I like the pic, good job! but I haven't played many games lately, but Mirrors Edge, is good and I'm really excited for RE-5 and Uncharted 2: among theives...
You're alive! I was beginning to think that the evil Christmas tree had won.
WoW has been all-consuming, so I haven't played any games short of revisiting Team Fortress 2 briefly. I've been keeping my eye on Huxley: Dystopia, however . Not sure how an MMOFPS will work out, but it still looks really fast-paced.
sweet! sounds like a pretty entertaining game--i'm a sucker for RPG's...recently, my buddy got me to play left 4 dead--holy moley--if you like zombies, that game is zombie-riffic--the gameplay is great...the survivor interactions are very cool, and it's overall just a fun time--check it out if you haven't already...
The only game I play these days is Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 64, which is probably my favourite game ever. I have an arch-enemy at work, and we take Smash Bros fight breaks often :)
Wonderfull work!!
Kevin. I haven't played the game yet but you guys need an "Art Of" book for all us admirers. I'd love for you to check out my new site when you have the time too. Thanks.
haha! these avatar made me laugh! Very cool!
Amazing Pumpkin...
Great Jobs!!
Love it!
Stellar draftsmanship and the technique you chose compliments the style beautifully. Nice job!
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