Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Ugly


Heather said...

Awesome. You captured him perfectly - especially that expression. I also really like the hair. Dave will make fun of my glowing and biased review, but I have to say, that you just keeping getting better.

Good subject choice...that's such a good movie!

Kyle said...

I love it! It's got a very watercolor(y) feel to it. Great expression.

Anonymous said...

man, I love seeing your posts, great stuff! are you a concept person over there at avalanche?

Nathan Lindsay said...

Ugly NEVER looked so good. Kevin these are beautiful. Great caricatures, great paintings. great colors. your progression in the last 6 months is rather unnatural.

Ramsés Meléndez said...

look's great!

Sebastien Gallego said...

I agree with Nat! Your progression is SOOO unnatural!!! Great paintings Kevin!

Jacob Keele said...

He is that ugly in the movie wow. how you've captured the likeness!