Here's the second batch of drawings from the character design workshop here at Avalanche. The last filter we put our characters through was style.The lower image is just a couple of the style explorations I tried, the one on the left is inspired by, but not an exact copy of Miah Alcorn's art. The one on the right is inspired by Stephen Silver. For the final I took the elements I liked from the style exercise (mostly from Stephen Silver) and worked my own style back into the character to hopefully end up with a design that is consistent and appealing. We were asked to render the final image in a way that provided enough information for a modeler to build it in 3D. I'm considering building a model of him myself, we'll see if I end up having the time or not.
Very interesting character,the color is great :)
look-E there, you colored it up all pretty n what not!!!
luuuuuks guuuuud!!!
I love the progression o nthis guy. The style explorations are really nice too. right click and saved...
I thought you did an amazing job on this guy. It's a good sign when the last one you did is the best.
dude your stuff rocks!
I like where this guy ended up design-wise. Nice job, man!
Great Work!
I really really like the way you've indicated the folds on the shirt in the top one. Still has a strong graphic feel, but with very subtle, realistic folds going on.
Very fun character. I like his expression.
Always inspiring to come here Kevin. Love the designs and especially the pumpkin. Oh MAN!!!
Wonderful stuff - your work is going in a very cool direction!
hes lookin great man, great development!
I love to see the process. It makes me rethink my own. Great final design. So when are we going to see him starring as the hero in one of Disney's games? Just thinkin' out loud.
If you get around to modeling him, you will post it won't you?
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