Daphne DuMaurier is my favorite author. One of the things I love about her is the rich atmosphere she conjures when describing the locations in her books. Jamaica Inn is an old building perched on a cliff overlooking the ocean on one side and barren mashland on the other. It is the only building between two towns and was once a place of refuge when travelling the harsh landscape between. But not anymore. Mary Yellen's mother has died and she is going to stay with her aunt and uncle, the new owners of the inn. She is dropped off by the carraige at the foot of the road leading up to it, the driver won't go any nearer.
The new Art Challenge theme here at work is to draw an environment. When I heard the theme I had recently finished reading Jamaica Inn and the openning scene which I described above had really captured my imagination. I don't do environments often but I had a lot of fun doing this and want to do more.
This is a REALLY striking image, Kevin. I love the mood, colors, shapes, everything. Great job.
Thats a really cool painting. I wish I could do enviroments like that. I now realize how grossly overcomplicated my current attempt is.
Nice stuff, Kevin. I like all of the details, the road & how it works with the shape of the hill and the inn. Good work, man.
This is a really amazing and unnerving image Kevin. Powerful, full of emotion and something unexplainable (in other words I'm too lazy to explain it). I can almost hear the houses boards creaking in the lazy nights breeze. Beautiful and eerie.
wow! I love this. The color and mood of this is wonderful! Great composition. I would love to be able to do environments a third this good.
great stuff Kev!
Wow. That pretty much sums it up. I love this one Kev. I Especially like how the unbalance of the hill really almost puts you on edge. It looks like even the fence is holding on, trying not to fall off. You definitely know your composition! Overachiever lol just kidding man. I never get tired of your stuff.
You know I love this piece.
Beautifull picture Kevin.
One of my favorite of yours!
This is amazing, Kevin. I wish I could do environments. The shapes and colors are quite lovely indeed. Everything you do is incredible... well, drawing-wise. The way you walk's a little weird.
(I remember when Jack Skellington used to hang out around here before they built that house).
Fantastic work, I love the composition
great colors.love the mood.awesome.
you have such a distinct style. excellent work.
Very cool image with nice composition and mood.
I love it!
Um, . . .DOPE!!!
Very cool image. Dark, Moody, and Ominous. Nice work man.
So Cool
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