Tonight's LOST episode is called "Cabin Fever" and focuses on Locke. Next week we get the first of three hours for the finale, but then have to wait two weeks after that for the rest. Apparantly the final episode focus on no particular character but I'm so enjoying these caricatures that I'm open to suggestions on who I should do next.
Bernard! Just kidding. I would love to see a Hurley or Kate caricature, I don't know if you've already got those in the works or not. Anyway, they all look awesome! Good job on Locke.
P.S. I know Charlie's gone, but he would be a fun one to do.
Once again, I LOVE IT!!!! I was so excited to see if you had another picture up already and you did! We are over the moon excited for tonight's cabin episode. My picture vote would be for my very favorite character....Sawyer!!!!
Just have to say again what a great caricature this is. Spot on likeness, and great rendition of his personality in the expression.
Hmmmmm....who to suggest? I wish Mr. Eko wasn't gone, he would've been cool. I'm going to have to suggest my favorite - Sayid. Sawyer would be great too.
Great job on Locke (I especially like the eyebrows - that expression is dead on) - you captured him perfectly!
I would love to see Desmond...he is my favorite. Then Sayid, he is a close second.
Okay, so this is NO NO pressure at all because my guess is that you just want to do these for fun and not worry about the business side of it....But if you ever wanted to sell an original or copy of any of your Lost caricatures, I would TOTALLY buy it! I just think they are AMAZING! I cannot get over how you capture their whole personality! I can definitely see why you draw for Disney!
I'm sure you've heard enough from us Woffindens but I wanted to comment too, because I'm blown away by how good you are. These are awesome, great job.
I had to comment again, too. This is another AMAZING one... I'm with Jenny, and I vote for a drawing of Sawyer!! He is our favorite, too!! :o) I keep telling Heather.... Your drawings are so good. They should be in a magazine, for sure. You have an incredible talent.
Great series Kevin! I think you should draw the smoke monster next.
Pop and Lock. good work again Kevin.
Great job, Kevin. Great expression. I vote for Faraday next.
Awesome Kev!
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