Tonight is the first hour of the three hour finale "There's No Place Like Home." There is no character in particular that this episode focuses on and I got a lot of requests for Sawyer so here he is. I'll be out of town for the finale so I might have to catch it in a small low definition hotel room TV, which sucks! I probably won't be able to do another Caricature for it, which also sucks, but I might do some more when I get back.
Great Character of Sawyer. He looks great. Well done Kevin.
The dimples are awesome. Smashing job.
Your work is awesome, I am loving the caricatures. You catch look and personality of the characters so well. They are very inspiring!
Cool caricatures. I'm a massive Lost fan and you've definitely captured their personalities. Brilliant stuff.
Yeah, you need to do more of these when you get back. These are wonderfully perfect.
These have been great. You are really good at charicatures.
AAHH! LOVE IT! I was so excited when I got on and saw you picked Sawyer! You did such a great job, AS ALWAYS! We are such fans of yours over here!! We are going to go start watching the finale right now-Can't Wait! :)
When Heather told me tonight that you drew Sawyer, I was so excited to see it. I knew Jenny would love it!! :o) I love all your drawings....and I look forward to seeing them each week. I am SO excited for the auction tomorrow night!!
Amazing as usual.
Wow, you cought the facial expressions very good. Really great caricatures serial.
You're outdoing yourself with each one of these. Really great caricature, especially because you captured his personality so well.
Hey , it´s amazing , i love Lost , and i think that your work is quality
congratulations , and visit my blog!
Pretty good Keki, maybe if you keep it up, you'll be as good as me.
FANTASTIC BLOG, great caricature work, wonderful painting . . . . I'm adding you to my links . . . awesome stuff!
In-Credible, stuff Kev!
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