Thursday, May 01, 2008

Jack Shephard

Tonight's LOST episode focuses on Jack and is called "Something Nice Back Home." I'm hoping we get to see more Daniel Faraday. He's my favorite new character.


Heather said...

I am ToTALLY loving these Lost caricatures. I don't know how you capture the characters so well, but all I can say is that you're amazing - as usual!

Steven Keele said...

The problem with Jack, is he is just a normal good looking guy. They are the hardest to make into a character. But you pulled it off. Good Job.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow!!!! I hope you don't mind me commenting....I just had to tell you how AMAZING these Lost drawings are and that I LOVED this! You totally captured him! I was getting ready to leave for women's conference and I thought, I have to hurry and check before I leave to see if he drew another one! I'm so glad I did! :) Wow

S.T. Lewis said...

I love these Lost paintings... I'm hoping you're eventually going to paint everyone, though I realize that's a lot of folks. Hey, though - at least characters are vanishing randomly, right? There's at least one less character to worry about painting after last night's episode.

carrie said...

Like Jenny, I hope you don't mind ME commenting, either!! I love your work... You are truly amazing. I told Heather that you need to submit these somewhere. You are so talented. These drawings are better than any others I've seen. I can't wait to see the next one you do.... I honestly didn't know how you could follow up that AMAZING Ben drawing you did, but you did it!! I love it. Thanks for letting us peek.

Marco Bucci said...

very cool man! Love the designs you put out. And thanks so much for posting that video below! I love watching these.

Jörn said...

... he looks as if they have mirrors there;) Great caricature, i like the soft background.

Anonymous said...




Kristen said...

This is SO him with the brooding eyes. Great job!