Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Most Important Job

An Illustration I did for the May 2011 edition of The Friend magazine.


  1. The lighting is beautiful. I like :) :)

  2. I seriously seriously LOVE it! The feel of the colors and lights are so warm and inviting. Do you look at a certain site for color scheme inspiration? I also love the jars, the light play on the glass is thoroughly enjoyable. Way to go for getting another piece into the Friend.

  3. Wow!! That is some lovely handwriting on those jars!! Incredible! I wonder who did that? Oh yeah, and the picture's nice, too. ;)

    {I promise to stop talking about my tiny contribution. Just excited that I got to help.}

  4. It turned out awesome in print too. Great composition!

  5. Muito bem feito, parabéns!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The Friend is lucky to have you doing such awesome illustrations for them. The lighting is really beautiful. That mom looks strangly familar. Hmmm... a little like Heather? ... who did do a great job on the lettering, by-the-way.

  8. That looks like awesomely good jam. Good job!

  9. I bet you get more kudos for this job than just about anything else :)

  10. And it won't be long until the wise old patriarch of the Keele family will also appear in the Friend (October to be exact.) The apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.....

  11. I wish i was this talented! :)


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