Wednesday, June 01, 2011

May Sketchbook

I'm never sure how to label my sketchbook posts so I've decided to just do it once a month, posting the highlights.  Enjoy.


  1. I love the way you render hair so sculptural!

  2. That last sketch is just fantastic. Well, they're all fantastic, but I love that one in particular! Stunning, the white highlights work so well.

  3. I've always loved this style with the black and white on craft. Really great stuff!

  4. This may be a dumb thing to comment on, but I dig the new signature on your pictures. Oh yes, and the pictures as awesome as always. It warms my heart whenever you pull out your sketchbook and draw -- reminds me of when we were dating and you were drawing in your sketchbook all the time.

  5. These are great! I like the top one because for some reason it reminds me of the new movie Cowboys and aliens. I need to sketch more...

  6. Muito bom, parabéns! Os sketches ficaram incríveis.

  7. totally DIGGING the sketches.. that flowy hair is just too rad!

    the white highlights - are you doing those with like, a paint marker, or something else? i'm a fan of the tone paper myself, and i just love the control you have with whatever you doing the highlights in.

  8. Man, this stuff's great! You're incredible, sir.

  9. Love the sketches. Really wonderful.

  10. cool sketches!!! What kind of paper are you using? And where can I find it? I can't find cool paper that allows white highlights to show like yours!!! Thanks!!!

  11. I follow a lot of artists' blogs... yours is one of my most favourites by far.


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.