Friday, May 08, 2009

Creepy Pirate

This is a quick painting of a pirate based on a homeless guy I saw in downtown Salt Lake City.


The Wies Family said...

You titled this one perfectly! He is definately a CREEPY pirate! I love the angles of the face and all the details.

Steve Neu said...

wow that is epic. I like the overall design, very cool

Jacob Keele said...

Dang Kev, you are so flippin; good at art! also, you just made Mr. homeless famous!

Aaron Ludwig said...

This is hilarious. I think I know this guy...

Unknown said...

oh man...nasty fellow!

Marco Bucci said...

haha, great! And I love the fact that this was based off a homeless guy. You should find him and give him a print.

Scott said...

I so love your grasp of character design, every inch posses so much life!

Anonymous said...

Bonjour - Hello...
Can you send me an e-mail, I have a small demand to be made for you ?
Thank you in advance
Jean-Philippe (from France)

S.T. Lewis said...

If I'd have given him some change as I walked by, maybe he could afford to fill that gap with another gold tooth. Great design, lighting, color, and everything, Kevin. You're amazing, sir.

Ken Chandler said...

Incredible work Kevin! He's definitely got the creepy look down.

Your Miss White ad is awesome too! I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

Scott said...

Oh those textures! Great character design!

Unknown said...

I love your Pirate posts! This one looks awesome as always.

Jose Ramos said...

I liked pirates ever, and you style is perfect for this theme.
.Congratulations or your art Kevin!