Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tutorial Thingy

This is a demonstration I did here at Avalanche for my fellow artists. Others have posted or may post their demonstrations as well. I talk mostly about shape-making and composition then start a sketch (which eventually became my "Wii Warrior" a few posts before this one) using those principles. It's pretty long but is hopefully informative in some way to those interested, if any, in my thinking process.


  1. Very cool. Thanks for doing that!

  2. I had no idea how much planning goes into each picture you draw. I mean, I knew you had some general idea and way of doing things, but I really never understood your process until now. Very elightening!

  3. Very nice demo. Great concepts for any one looking to draw and design.

  4. Cool demonstration. I learned some new things. Thanks.

  5. tremendously awesome- thanks for posting it.

  6. Thanks for this. Alot of great info!

  7. Awesome, wish I could've been there!

  8. Nice! I Like this tutorial a lot.

  9. thanks. it's stuff I've heard before - but, repetition being the second principle of learning, it's always good to hear it again - and see it in different circumstances. thanks

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous6:59 PM

    What's the name of the artist you mention? Obeen Delku? haha, I can't quite catch it but I like his stuff. Thanks.

  12. Hi,
    its really awesome.. But if I search in googlevideos, why I can't find this video with the search words like tutorial thingy or kevin keele?

  13. New to this site. AMAZING STUFF.
    Kevin, do you have a synopsis of the tools(pencils, pens, paper) you use for sketching?
    Again, so inspired by your work.


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.