Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Seward Family

This is a new piece for a project I started a while ago. I didn't like the direction it was going then and dropped it. After some retooling I'm excited to start it up again. I've found I'm good at starting things, but not finishing them.


  1. That mom is awesome, but that kid is terrifying. In a good way, though.

  2. I love the expression on the dad's face. And the big gap in the mom's teeth is a fun touch. I can't wait to see what is to come - I think what you've got planned is awesome!

  3. Nice characters here Kevin- the different shapes for the styling works really well! I know how you feel about starting something and then letting it drop- but sometimes it is fun to come back and finish what you started!

  4. I like the boy how he seems to just be dazed into nothingness, and how the cute girl has Harry Potter glasses, nice teeth.

  5. I totally love how you do hair. It has always been amazing to me. Cool illustration. Loads of fun, especially the hair.

  6. the style on this is off the charts!! Amazing what you do. WOW WOW

  7. This blog is a blast of inspiration!!.. it is more than obvios why you are an Avalanche software guy.. and your caricatures are amazing too!!.. thanks for sharing!!..

    PS: Spam is a big problem for all..

  8. Great characters... the mom reminds me of the mom in "Family Dog." And I love the dad. His expression's GOLD!

  9. Wow, the shape of the dad's head is awesome!

  10. The mom has to be one of the strongest character designs I have seen in a long time. I love her hair.

  11. I heart this image. especially like the muppet looking kid.

  12. Well done this is fun. I love the Dad He look great.

  13. totally awesome kevin. amazingly they are all so different in style and personality but fit perfectly together. that kid with the melon head is awesome.

  14. Excellent work, Mr. Keele! They're creepy yet somehow lovable.

  15. Great! I really like the shapes and the colour palette. Are they Irish? The girl is quite fortunate not to look like her father!

    Nice wallpaper by the way.

  16. Yeah, great design! That boy will be in my nightmares.

  17. Awesome Kev, very odd, but I love it. So you excited for Sunday? I'll bring my PS3 and my guitar, and you're bringing the rest right?

  18. This is a great pic Kevin .
    .i´ts very funny
    see u!


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.