Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Super Civil Servant!


  1. hahah great character Kevin! Love the colors and the design is hilarious

  2. Excellent! I love the design... his proportions are great. I feel like he's probably going to run someone through with that sign pole. Then maybe next time the person he stabs will go slow. Nicely done, man.

  3. LOL! Great job Kevin! The colors work really well sir.

  4. Awesome beyond my feeble ability to complement you adequately. Love the line work the colors are great-riffic too.

  5. NICE! Man, I love your graphic sense.

  6. Looks like the picked on kid grew up. Looks like he also gave someone the business end of that pole too. Ouch! That background and his pose give the piece some incredible energy.
    Amazing work as always Kevin.

  7. It's good, as always. Your so good. I love the colors. Blah Blah I like the sign with blood blahblahBlah. Man, your to fantastic at art. But Man, don't you ever draw anything that looks crappy? That should be your next post. A drawing that looks so bad that no one whats to commet. Do that, it would be funny and unexpected.

  8. Hi Kevin.
    Awesome picture like always.I really like your use of colors.

    I would like to link you blog.


  9. haha! this guy is awsome! great character! so angry haha

  10. um... no offense but it kinda looks like his head is growing out of his heart / chest. Is that supposed to be part of his super power?

  11. Great expression!. I love the colors! Great post!



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