Monday, April 09, 2007

It's-a Me!

Super Paper Mario will be in stores tomorrow. I can't wait...


  1. Hi Kevin,

    You can't wait?!?
    Are You pondering over a new carrier ... as a burglar? ;-)

  2. Very cool mate. I especially like how peach has a little Uma to her. Pixel bg is nice too.

  3. its fun to see how diversified you are!

    slick stuff, it was nice meeting you the other day, Avalanche is rockin!

  4. Great pic Kevin! You have so many different styles. This is awesome. I especially like the pixelated sky. Nice touch.

  5. Mario finally gets the girl and is tongue tied... And now bhe even has a 3D tongue. Awesome art as usual.

  6. Sweet old school pro-motion anti alias work for the background. Brings back memories of 8-bit. Nice colors!!

  7. very nice kev. Im thinkin of buyin a wii just for this game

  8. Seems he's better at kickin' butt than making conversation. I know the feeling. Great work Kevin!

  9. Super! I love the pixelly background!

  10. Brilliant work ! Love the look on his face !

  11. Nice job, Kev! I like the super-dainty umbrella.

  12. I guess with smashing his head on so many blocks he is kinda awkward around the ladies. He sure knows how to pick em' though. This is a way cool picture though, like all of your stuff really. I really like the mix between the pixelated backround and the smooth foreground. Great stuff

  13. Love the blog. Mario not so much... it's just too easy! I'm more of a Britney Spears Dance Revolution guy. ooooops!!! Did I just put that in writing?!

  14. This is way cool! Nice job!


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