Monday, August 05, 2013

Back when Kaiju were called Sea Monsters

A little Pacific Rim fan art.  I'm sure the Kaiju sent out scouts between the 1600s and 1800s giving a few surviving sailors a tale to tell.


  1. Doooood. Love this. Awesome colors.

  2. That's fetching awesome!!

  3. is that Mickey's pirate ship there in the background I notice?? :)

    Nice image Kev...You make it look easy.

  4. Just a thing : with such a storm, the sails of the boat should have been lowered.

    I have a problem with creatures with fire inside, more and more videogames have this kind of creatures, and I think as they are not plausible, they are less frightening (from my point of view).

    Despite of my remarks, I like very much the whole image ! and your work in general.

  5. Pretty damn rad Kevin!!

  6. Wow! That is epic! As always, you make me want to stay up until 4am trying to paint something as cool as that.

  7. I've also gotta say I like your use of a more widescreen aspect ratio on the image.

  8. Could you be any more awesome Kevin?!!

  9. I love this image. It's so amazing, just wow. I know you posted this forever ago but I was scrolling through your images and this one made me stop and look at it.


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.