Friday, December 07, 2012

Princess Leia and the Seven Ewoks

One of the latest Avalanche blog topics is celebrating our company's acquiring of Star Wars!  Seriously, how cool is that?  So I thought I'd mix Disney's latest princess (kinda) with it's first (actually it was my wife's idea, thanks Heather).


  1. amazing dude! so funny!

  2. Great idea and beautiful piece !

  3. Bwa ha ha. Superb concept and layout. I won't be surprised to see this one all over the net.

  4. Haha! This is Amazing Kev! have you seen my Starwars 7 one on my blog?

  5. I like it :D Great mash up!

  6. i'm really liking this! (might be that i just watched 32 episodes of Once Upon A Time in the last 8 days, might be that i'm reading the New Jedi series at the same time.)

  7. I love this but... shouldn't it be Han on the table, in carbonite? ;)


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.