Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Handbook for Dragon Slayers - Book Cover

I love it when I get paid to paint something that I probably would have done on my own anyway.  This was definitely one of those cases.  The book is by Merrie Haskell and comes out in May next year from HarperCollins, you can check it out here.


  1. Congratulations! Nice work! The color really pops out.

  2. really nice work Kevin!

  3. This looks magnificent! Nice color scheme, cool dragon, epic horse and maiden, sweet water and trees and grass. Good stuff!

  4. Hi Kevin, I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for such an amazing cover! I have loved it since I saw your sketch, and I think it's going to help sell a lot of books! -Merrie

  5. This is Awesome!!!! Great Art Kev! and it also sounds like a very fun book!


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