Monday, March 05, 2012

"Brains, Good Sir, Braaains..."

Gentleman Zombie - 18x24, oil on canvas
 For some reason I find the idea of a traditional portrait, but of a zombie appearing as if he actually posed for it, really funny.  I kept laughing to myself as I was painting it, maybe it's just me.  I decided to use Sargent's portrait of Coventry Patmore as a guide and follow a sketch I did (which itself was a progression from this drawing I did years ago).  I'd hoped to get this idea out of my head but I had so much fun with it, I'm already planning a companion piece of a sophisticated Lady Zombie.


  1. Haha! love this so much

  2. You know how much I love this -- how I kept laughing whenever I walked by as you were painting (and I can't help but giggle at the thought of the lady zombie). I can't wait to hang this on the wall in October (sorry, just October).

    Awesome work, as always.

  3. Wow Kevin, I was having a really hard time trying to figure out whether this was digital or traditional. You did very well. By the way, I love the variation in the teeth.

  4. HAhahahahaa!
    This. Is. Hi-la-rious.

    You ARE onto something.


  5. You're pretty dang good with oils. I hope to see this guy in a new season of the walking dead.

  6. Amazing work as usual.

  7. I hope when I'm a zombie someone can do my portrait like this... Then I will eat their brains.
    This really is quite awesome!

  8. "Hrump! Hrump, brains and a rasher of bacon if you please Jeeves, oh and perhaps some kidneys too I think,thank you."

    You are still very awesome!

  9. perfect!!! That's hilarious

  10. This is fantastic Kev!

  11. so good, your illustration is great!

    best regards from Sheila - juegos de vestir

  12. jejejeje, great fusion!!

  13. This one is one of my favorite !! Bravoo !

  14. Pure genius! Awesome!


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