Sunday, January 22, 2012


Portraits of children are hard.  At least they are for me, they often look a little off and awkward.  I'm always apprehensive when I try to do one but I think I was fairly successful here.  I've also reached the point where I would much rather be painting something with oils than the computer.  If only I could figure out how to photograph the finished paintings better.  This is Oil paint on an 8x10 canvas.


  1. You have some serious skills..Kinda hard these days to find an artist that's great in both digital and traditional.

  2. This looks so fabulous. You totally caught the innocent wide-eyed look.

  3. Très mimi.
    Bonne journée.

  4. Very nice, Kevin. I like the looseness of it, and I think you handled the features well. I have some thoughts on the colors--ask me about it on Monday.

  5. Wow Kevin, I really like how you handled the details on the headband. And those blue eyes really capture you! 2 best ways I've found to document physical paintings are to either scan it or take a photo of it out in the sunlight, but make sure to zoom in with the camera from a little distance, it helps get rid of the fishbowling edges.

  6. This is such an awesome painting. Everyone who comes over to our house and sees it is blown away by how good it is.


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