Wednesday, December 08, 2010

King's Vineyard

This is another, much less digital, game I did some art for.  Designed by a few of my coworkers, Sandeep Karkhar and Dave Haslam, it features some clever mechanics.  Working with Mayday Games was great, this project was a little different from anything I've done before and they were very patient.  Ultimately I'm quite happy with the final product which you can find out more about here.


  1. Really nice pieces! Love the colors and mood in the landscape. I hope the game does well.

  2. Fantástico! Seu trabalho é realmente espetacular... Parabéns!

    Paz, saúde e muito sucesso para você.

    Abraço cordial.

  3. great job Kevin. It looks like you had a lot of fun. I'm sure Mayday Games is thrilled with your work.

  4. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Hope you enjoy the game, sales are going well and there is a release party at Game Night Games this Friday night. Also there should be an article in the Deseret News about the game in the next couple of days.



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