Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nilbog! It's Goblin Spelled Backwards!

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do some art from my favorite bad movie for the Avalanche blog topic: Troll.  Troll 2 is a must see!


  1. I absolutely love it! You totally captured that boy's expression. "Would you like some ice cream, Joshua?"

    I just got a little giddy about the Halloween season, partly because you do some of your best work then!

  2. YAY! This it awesome Kev! Robert was so mad when we made him watch this movie, but now he tells everyone about it, and makes them watch the first part of it, because it's just SO bad! I love it!

  3. I love your posts. If you look at them in order from the bottom, you have creatures bent on distruction and mayhem. Sandwitched inbetween you have innocent kids and a cute fairy.
    Awesome as usual.

  4. This is great! I was just telling someone about this movie last night. BTW have you checked out Jake's Nilbog Blog? There is a link from his blog.

  5. awesome blog!!!! Great stuff here!!! The Redneck bigfoot is super cool!!!

  6. the picture looks so wonderful.

    love it so much, so cool.

    xena warrior princess dvd, do you love it???

  7. "This is their kingdom!" Great stuff Kevin however your goblin is soooo much better then the crapping costumes they have in the film. You captured Joshua perfect though.

  8. amazing ... !! 256th follower :)

  9. Beautiful. I love your blog. You are invited to check out my blog.

  10. Uh ! * - *
    I love expression ! And how you color it. Really wonderfull. I love your art. ._.

  11. That's the most hideous creature I've ever seen! Great job! :)

  12. Great work, all around the site. Enjoyed the hand-carved pumpkins as much as the art work. I'm a big fan of Halloween myself.


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