Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Palate Cleanser

As promised, I've done something more appealling to male sensibilities after all the Twilight stuff. I hope you enjoy viewing my sexy, bikini clad, jungle inhabiting, panther riding woman as much as I enjoyed painting it.


  1. You better not have enjoyed painting that girl TOO much... *insert disapproving look from wife*

  2. I'm not much into the 'bikini-clad', but a beautiful woman in a jungle setting with a panther-- that's sweet! And beautifully crafted to boot. Nice!

  3. Love Love Love your hair that you do, mine sucks compared to yours...also nice painting, definatley accepted from that Twilight stuff

  4. Thank you and BEAUTIFUL!

  5. The anatomy on the arm is really nice. Everything works beautifully.

  6. The Panther is awesome. I love the colors and that hair is outstanding, great job bro.

  7. Kevin is alive? Lies! His desk is empty. Who am I going to talk about video games with now? Ultimate sadness.

  8. Oh--wow! This is so appealing and beautiful! I love her hair. Wish I could take lessons from you!

  9. Anonymous9:43 PM

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