Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Miss White prefers Merryfeather

I've been wanting to paint some of Disney's leading ladies in a retro style and thought it might be a fun fit to place them in old magazine ads. Snow White is first since she's my favorite. Hopefully I can find the time to do more.


  1. really love it. your old magazine style worked very well.

  2. Cute! Glad to see she's keeping the house spotless--but it'd be even better if she was doing that Rosie bicep flex with her handy duster.

  3. I love her blood-red fingernails

  4. HI man!

    Nice colors...
    it has the 60' face.

    Really nive!
    See ya

  5. That makes me laugh. Did you create the copy as well? Loads of fun. It looks as though you may have used Heather as a model. Or at least a reference. Great as usual.

  6. That's really cool, I laughed good :)

  7. This is awesome. Great concept.

  8. "MerryFeather dwarfs even the toughest of chores!" Great piece!


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.