Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ana Lucia Cortez

In getting back to my LOST caricatures I'm following up my favorite character (Mr. Eko) with my least favorite. I can't stand her, I cheered when she died.


  1. I was glad when she died too. She was so annoying. I can't believe Sawyer got "jiggy" with her. Gross! What was he thinking?!!

  2. Never seen this show. At this point, I'm trying to avoid the addiction. But if I did watch it, I think I might be more entertained cause I would most likely be instantly reminded of your caricatures.

  3. WOW¡¡¡¡¡
    I love your works.

  4. I'm totally with you!!! I nearly cried when I read they are bringing her back for some backstory scenes.... i hope the leak I read was wrong.

    Love the sketches though. :P

  5. She truly was the worst. Every time she'd talk, I'd just be thinking, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She had a very annoying presence. I agree with you - Michael my second least favorite character just because he shot her. Anyway, this is an unflattering, but awesome rendition.

  6. I guess you had to do her sometime. The charicature shows that smug, know-it-all attitude she displayed on the show. Great job.

  7. Great Job!!! This is an awesome caracture, and I hate her a ton also, she pisses me off!

  8. Another awesome drawing, Kevin. I can't WAIT for Lost to come back on.... Thursday nights just haven't been the same, huh? :o) BTW, I couldn't stand her, either.

  9. - Agree w/ above & also you got the "just got kicked by a mule" look down too :) lol.

  10. I was PISSED OFF when Ana-Lucia was killed.

    I will CHEER if the show's writers ever decide to kill off Jack or especially, Kate Austen.

  11. I love all your LOST pictures!! One question, why did you quit doing them? They are the best ones I've seen and I have enjoyed looking at them. You need to do some like Hurley, Sayid, Kate, Charlie, Jin, Sun and Richard would be awesome!! I can't wait to see if you decide to paint anymore. Your work is GREAT!


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