Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Halloween '08 Pumpkin

I wasn't going to post this, feeling the season had passed and it was time to move on, but I have nothing else to post right now so here was my pumpkin this year before it met it's eventual demise in our compost heap.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you have a picture of this lit up at night? Granted, it already looks really cool here!

  3. What a blast. I especially like the play between the outer skin and the under stuff. It looks like theere is a scar on the right (our right, the pumpkins left). That is clever. I love it.

  4. Never a bad time to post Halloween stuff Kevin. Look at me, I post this stuff all year round!! Very cool pumpkin by the way!


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