Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Mr. Eko

Mr. Eko is my favorite character (so far) from LOST. RIP.


  1. Awesome!, like always!!;)

  2. I was so disappointed when Eko died. That was a dark time in my life. This is great!

  3. It was a sad day when Eko died, but it was even sadder when he cut off his tiny gotee.

  4. very good artworks!

  5. I have to tell you...Trent was on hear the other day just raving about what a great artist you are. He is so impressed by all your work, but especially liked your "Joker".

  6. Good likeness . . .

  7. Not Bad, I really like how you capture the likeness.

  8. He was one of my favorites too. It was weird how they just got rid of him like they did - it seemed kinda out of the blue, if I remember right. Anyway, I love this one - you really nailed the eyes and mouth.

  9. what's this "lost" show everyone seems to be talking about? well, either way, these portraits are most excellent--

  10. this is a fun design, and I love the Bumble below. Great homage to the film, too!

  11. hey, i work with Trent, he was telling me about your art, man you got it going on! very jealous. someday maybe i'll be up there with you! haha, take it easy.

  12. As sad as it was when he died, that was one of the best episodes of Lost. Cool pic!

  13. Man, these Lost characters have been awesome!

    Hey did you want to join in on the Heman stuffs that we've been doing?

  14. Kevin....This is another AWESOME one. It's one of my favorites. The one you did of Heath Ledger/Joker is my very favorite now. It was unbelievable!!

  15. I loved this guy from Lost. Now I love him as one of your drawings. Great Job.

  16. These lost characters are tremendous. Really excellent work. I think the effect compounds with each one added to the collection. I find myself laughing out loud when I see a new one, maybe it's the how the essence of the character is captured, or maybe how a comedic nature of caricatures contrast with the serious tone of the show.

  17. FANTASTIC. I've become a fan of your artwork.


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