Friday, August 15, 2008

Desmond Hume

Everyone's favorite "bruthuh."

I never got a chance to do a LOST caricature for the season 4 finale and I've been meaning to catch up. Even though the finale didn't focus on any particular character I felt that Desmond had the best moment.


  1. I really love this one - I think it's my favorite of your LOST caricatures, not only because it's dead-on, but also because he's my favorite (well, him and Sayid).

  2. Wow, I love this! Desmond is my favorite character too, and you have captured him beautifully....well done!!

  3. Yeah Desmond is cool. Great likeness Kevin.

    You post more for fun than any one I know. It is inspiring to see.

  4. Great caricature Kevin , i did some work about lost too .
    Check my blog when u want!

  5. Eres un Crack colega.
    desde Cádiz (spain)

  6. That's awesome kev, but I think the Joker pic is still my favorite.

  7. The Lighting on the nose is really great looking. But over all good job. I hope Des will be in the seasons, cause he rocks.

  8. Very nice. I'm going to have to do a portrait of Desmond too, maybe in another life, brotha.

  9. Great work. How many more main Losties are left for you to draw?

  10. I'm saving your life. When you didn't click to see this comment, you got up from your desk, slipped on your Wacom pen, and broke your neck on your overpriced office chair, and your body convulsed with the pain as you drew your last breath. You died there, brother.

  11. "That's him. I recognize him!"

    I agree, you really captured him, as you did with your other "Lost" portraits by the way, brother. More please.

  12. Beautiful work. Another well executed picture and I love that sharpe way you have rendered it.

  13. Kevin your skills are just getting better and better. Fun to watch. This is really good.

  14. I have been waiting for this one...did I mention I have a super crush on him?


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.