Thursday, April 24, 2008

Benjamin Linus

LOST is on again tonight (woohoo!) and it's a Ben-centric episode (woohoo?).


  1. Dave is rubbing off on you. Your caricatures are getting so good.

  2. Good job. It looks just like that creepy guy I like to call Benry ( a mix of his real name "Ben" and his fake name "Henry").

  3. so... so good Kevin

  4. It is amazing how well you captured creepy, caniving Ben. Very good. I am missing the amazing hair. But it would't have fit him.

  5. Dude, Kev that's awesome, I just love his creepy eyes, nice.

  6. Kevin, you totally captured the soul-less soul of Benjamin Linus. He looks positively creepy and ghoulish, yet, oh, so sure of himself. I love your work!

  7. Perfect. Like everyone's said, you totally captured the eyes. I can't wait to see your future Lost caricatures!

  8. Very nice likeness of Ben. He's a crazy guy. I'd say more about that, but I don't want to ruin the show for anyone who's running behind.

  9. awesome! Being a Lost fan I am giddy to see more of your drawings. My favorite part about this one of Ben is his mouth. You really captured the way his lips sort of curl. The same way my stomach curls when I look at him!

  10. Good old bad Ben. Great likness. Last thursdays show was awesome.
    Good job.

  11. dang dood most impressive! ( Really love the video too) Thanks for sharing the goodies Kev!

  12. This is SICK!! Love it!


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