Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"My Friends..."

I've been doing a lot of caricatures lately (as you can probably tell). They're pretty quick, plus I feel like I learn so much doing them. What is a group of caricatures without politicians like John McCain? I'm having fun with these so I'll probably keep doing them for a while.


  1. What a loveable face how could you not vote for this guy. Great expression Kevin. I like the yellow teeth.

  2. Can you do a caricature of me? That would be great. Also, I think Jay Leno would be a fun one to do. I'd do it myself, but hey, who are we've seen my artwork (remember our trip to Disneyland in 2002).

  3. Great caricature Kevin! You're a painting machine!!

  4. I guess I'm going to have to hold my nose and vote for this guy (he's the least crappy candidate). I still can't decide if I should vote for him or the Libertarian candidate (whoever that is).

    The likeness on this one is great. I agree with Josh about the teeth. I also like all lines around his mouth. I'm definitely enjoying all of your caricatures.

  5. The best part of this picture is it's pretty gosh darn true to life! Every time I see the guy smile his cheesy little cartoon grin, I can't help but laugh!

    Have I ever told you that I admire your artistic abilities like, ridiculously mucho? Seriously.


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.