Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Queen of Snow - 2

I made some changes based on the suggestions of my fellow artists here at Avalanche. I took some of the warmth out of her face and simplified the background. Subtle changes, but I think for the better. Do you agree?


  1. Yes, much better. You've really handled her arms and hands beautifully, too.

  2. I think it's better but there's still a couple things I would fix. It would probably be easier to just show you in person so come visit my office if you want.

  3. I agree with making the face colder, but I still like the snowflakes IMHO.

  4. I love this picture. The mood has changed from the last picture with the snowflakes to this one without them. They are both beautiful, but I think I like the snowflakes more. I want a copy of it to hang in my house. If you designed the top of the dress to be temple appropriate, then Kristal could sew it and wear it on her wedding day. Also, I loved Josh' comment about the Snow Queen. Funny.

  5. yo this shit is fantastic, man!!!
    i love it!

  6. really lovely Kevin. Way to make her dress interesting with all the over-laps and patterns. I don't have any fancy critiques like Adam and his "warm/cold colors" knowledge...but it does seem to be lacking something funny, so you could work on that. :)

  7. Very nice Kevin. But I agree with Dad I miss the snowflakes but like the more pale skin.

  8. Very nice! I would agree I miss some of the snow flakes just for the character of the picture. The colors are great!

  9. She's awesome...I don't know how you do it, At first, I was like, whoa, that dress is a little revealing! (think of me saying in a naggy wife voice, "Kevinnn!"), but she's really grown on me. I absolutely love the skirt's snowfake pattern and lace. And I really, really like her arms and hands - the way they touch the railing looks so natural, so realistic. Amazing!

    I agree with a few of the other posters...bring back the snowflakes. They makes the mood of the picture seem more serene and magical (for lack of a better word).

    Awesome work, as usual.

  10. What do I know about art but I like the snowflakes in the background. It goes with the picture title. Really nice Kevin!

  11. yeah- i think this one's more elegant. nice work.

  12. I think both versions are great, but I agree that the simplified background helps a lot. Great stuff, man.

  13. this painting is awsome! :D


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