Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Everybody Hates Jack Thompson

Even if you don't know who he is, you hate him.


  1. I hate this guy, it must have been a every painful drawing to do. What is he saying, mario is the devil. What a jurk.

  2. I played violent video games and watched horribly violent cartoons when I was a kid... still somehow I haven't ever shot or stabbed a single person or animal or tree. This looks great. And you're right... everybody hates Jack Thompson.

  3. I am offended.
    But on a seperate note, beautiful colors.

  4. Fantastic soft shading, Kevin! This is something I haven't seem much from you, and it's great!

  5. This is hilarious!! I'm so glad you finished this! I really like how you painted it. I especially love the old school Mario. And, so you know...I know who Jack Thompson is (living with you, how could I not?) and I hate him.

  6. Great painting and likeness ta boot!

  7. Nice works,cool blog,very good colors

  8. Nice job on the colors, Kevin! That lil devil Mario deserves his own painting, without good ol' Jack threatening his existence.

  9. OK, i hate him. But the pic is excellent!

  10. I have to agree. Everyone hates Jack Thompson. I can see why. He comes to us in the form of the Mario devil and temps us. He even temps this mild mannered grey haired gentleman into doing unspeakable things. Yup! Jack is a sly one.

  11. great picture. I like your mix of painted and graphic styles.


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