Monday, May 21, 2007



  1. This has to be one of the more bizarre pieces you've done Kevin, and just between you and me that's a compliment. Love his expression!

  2. This guy is so awesome! And weird. Somehow, both.

  3. Thanks Kevin i really appreciate that. As far as my short is has been done for a little over a week now but i have been having problems converting it to video format i even tried youtube but it wouldn't work. I can't seem to find a program that will convert it from an swf file with mac os x. i will post it as soon as i can though.

    This guy is awsome your pen lines and lighting are superb!

  4. I went on Mission Space at Epcot last week, and this is what I felt like after. Also, there was punctuation yelling at me after. I was pretty dizzy. This is great, Kevin. I don't know what's going on, but I like it.

  5. I find it, well, ironic that for a piece about punctuation, I don't know exactly what to say. I mean, you know how I feel about punctuation. Anyway, this drawing is awesomely weird and I think you should do more abstract ideas like this. The expression on his face is perfect. You rock (with a exclamation point, of course)!

  6. I love your guy's expression, especially the mouth. Great job.

  7. Really liking how you have been handling color lately. Love that face. He looks like he just got goosed.

  8. Fabulous face on this guy !!!

  9. FUN piece!! Great expression!

  10. You can see punctuation too?!?! I thought I was the only one! Great!!!!

  11. I like your color choices in the face too. The blues in the chin work really will to tie it all together. Good job. I mean good job!

  12. Cool stuff! I love his expression, great work.

  13. That's GREAT. I love the simple graphic shapes, especially how you dealt with the cloth folds on the shirt. His face is hilarious, of course.


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