Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rock Tree

I like the way this tree turned out because it kind of reminds me of an album cover by Roger Dean or Rodney Matthews for some progressive rock band in the 70's.


  1. Awesome! I love the hanging rings of bark! And the candy-cane striping and the shapes too. And the fading in/out of detail. There is a whole lot going right in this image and it adds up to that appeal word again.

  2. SO nice. Love the composition and the awesome color choice.

  3. This is awesome. I really like the pencil version. of course the painting looks great too.

  4. that is uber slick!!!

    nice take on the shapes and i LOVE the colors!

  5. I like the green going up into the trunk. This looks like a place I would go for some shade if I didn't mind falling to my death. Very nice.

  6. Fantastic! Both the drawing and painting are great in their own right!

  7. WOW man this is awsome.

  8. I love your style. It's so unique. I love the fully rendered verson of this. Your use of curved and srtaight lines together is alway amazing.

  9. I kind of like the way it turned out too because it's AWESOME!

  10. lovely:) It feels like its from an animated film!!!

  11. Yeah I'd say it has that Rodney Matthews looks,that's a really cool tree !

  12. I have decided that you are one of my favorite artists. Love the prog rock feel.

  13. Your sketch wasn't good enough... no... you had to go and add color and blow my mind. I won't be able to think again for another 2 days. Thanks a lot Kevin. Awesome! I love the mystical qualities of this piece. Makes me wish there was such a place so I could visit.

  14. This is my favorite! I love that tree and it's sad saggy skin.

  15. I believe the 70's rock band you are referring to is YES, from their Roundabout Album (and yes, I'm THAT old). Love your work Kevin. Currently watching your lesson on using Photoshop at SVSLearn.com


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