Friday, March 30, 2007

Hairy and Scary

Done for the Avalanche blog art challenge. The theme is Rock Stars.


  1. fantastic!...that mouth area is outstanding

  2. that pic rocks!...sorry couldn't resist. love the color and as always really fun hair.

  3. This is really great! I love the attention to detail.

  4. this kiks ace on soooo many levels! everything is top notch!

  5. This is the most Metal thing I have seen all day. Long live Dio.
    Love the cast shadow on the grownd, and the fact that he is rocking a flying V.

  6. Love the hair,real motion to it ! Nice use of colours too ! Like that guitar too !

  7. This guy is awesome. I can feel his passion for this heavy metal music. Either that or he is high on someting. I love the purple rim light.

  8. I can see this being Devin Anderson someday. OK maybe not. I like his hair you always do such a good job on hair.

  9. I really do love your rim lighting on this one Kevin. I wonder if creating some motion with his left hand strumming would add more energy to this kicking pose. Those teeth are hilarious.

  10. Hilarious! This guy is great Kevin. Nice use of the two light sources, and those teeth... outrageous!

  11. Wow Kevin.
    Great Picture. Great colors and great atmosphere.
    My best complimets.


  12. Strange thing Kevin, I can get to your website, but am not able to get into the galleries, etc. Is it just me?

  13. Thanks for the comments everybody. Ken, that's weird about my website, it should work. Everything on there is pretty old and outdated because, once I got the blog, I stopped updating it. But that's odd that it's not working for you.


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.