Monday, March 05, 2007

Guy with Tie


  1. ok so I know this probably isn't what you were goin for with this picture, but the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was Mr. Dahlquist... maybe it's the look on his face. either that or an arial view of a really fat guy...or maybe it's an arial view of a really fat Mr. Dahlquist. I'll go ponder and get back to you. Great stuff!

  2. I feel like there are hidden words in his hair... I haven't found them yet, but I feel like I'm less than a day away from cracking the code. I love his design, and the plaid background is nice too.

  3. Miche, I can see a resemblance to Mr. Dahlquist also, that's my second unintentional likeness in a row. Michael and I went to the same high school (Payson High, Joe Olson also went there), Mr. Dahlquist was the Choir teacher.

    Shane, keep looking, hidden in his hair is the true meaning of Christmas.

  4. Nice, love the background pattern and the celtic-ish hair design.

  5. What Sam says, the hair is outstanding indeed! Wish my hair was like that!

  6. I love this! The way you made his head and hair completely flat is very cool.

  7. I love how the background looks like it is his shirt - and he is a hunchback! Really cool!

  8. awesome look on his face. He mustve had a hard day at work!

  9. Love'n it! Great lines.

  10. Its great! The plaid shirt background is clever. This one is inspiring.


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