Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Captain Zombeard

Happy new year! I wanted to take my two favorite things to draw (pirates and zombies) and put them together. This is the result.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Awesome. That is a great drawing and painting.I love your painting style with these, the shirt and pants look great. I think his right ear causes a little confusion, maybe it is too light. He looks really great

  2. Anonymous4:29 PM

    The expression on his face is the best - he kinda looks like he had too much grog during his New Year celebration! Or may just look like that because he's...well...a zombie. Anyway, you know I love your pirates and zombies - this is a perfect combination!

  3. Woot! Good to see another one of these drawings in the "That looks like a Kevin Keele" style!
    And thanks for the comment. on my blogger.. I've been workin on 'er over the holidays. With any luck, I'll be posting soon.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    This is great - I love how everything about his face is so unbalanced. The leg in the air works really well... makes for a nice silhouette, and makes him seem a little more crazy. Very nice, Kevin.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    The ape-like hands are perfect. Great combination of two great character types as well. Always cool to see your work!

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    a drunken pirate zombie for sure. Nice one.

  7. Anonymous10:45 AM

    That looks great Kevin!!
    I love it!
    Happy new year!

  8. Fan-tastic. Coolest drunken zombie pirate ever. Too bad they don't make more movies based on zombie pirates(3 PiratesOTC movies really aren't enough).

  9. This is pretty awesome! Looks like he turned into a zombie JUST after a few shots of tequila. Right when he's reacting to the bitterness of the alcohal - BAM! Zombie.

  10. Thanks for the comments guys. Sam, I couldn't agree more.

  11. haha that's an awesome character!! very appealing!

  12. Anonymous3:44 AM

    I think Elvis would call this guy a hunk-a hunk-a burnin' love! Yowza! This character is too funny Kevin! Everything about him, expression, posture, funny walk, makes him a favorite. Really inspiring. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    great concept man. . . i love the teeth.

  14. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Holy cow Kevin, this rules!

  15. love the color, love the texture, love the stylization. really cool work!

  16. Hi Kevin...I found your blog....is amazing!!!
    I really love you style and colors!!!

    I'll come back to visit your blog for sure!!!!!



  17. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Man, I come here all the time and you never dissappoint.

  18. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Great character! I love the texture you've created here and the colour. Funny too!

  19. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Great colour scheme on this one.

  20. Anonymous4:39 PM

    too sweet! love the expression, the colors and the body posture!!! Keep it up.

  21. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Dag yo! This is pretty friggin' awesome. It is kinda like 80's toy marketing. Take several things that you like and mash them together and you got money in the bank.

  22. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Niiiiiiice. I wish you had been one of the character designers for Pirates 2... Your zombie pirate is twenty times cooler than some of Davy Jone's crew.

  23. Anonymous3:49 PM

    He looks like he's a couple of cans short of a six pack !! Great work !!


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.