Monday, October 02, 2006

Sawyer and Sayid

A lot of us LOST fans here at work (and even a few who've never seen it) have been drawing characters from the show in anticipation for Wednesday's season 3 premiere.


  1. It's about time Season 3 got underway. I'm glad they did the review episode last week... I'd forgotten most of what happened last season... probably because none of it makes sense. I love this show, and I love your sketches of these two. You should draw the whole cast... if you get a free week where you don't intend to accomplish anything else. Great stuff, Kevin.

  2. great characters! great likenesses of Saiid (sp) and Sawyer Love the show and cant wait!!Woot!

  3. Nice likeness on these guys. I haven't watched the show... maybe I should to see what all the hub-bub is about.

  4. So the only Lost I have seen I watched at your house, but I do remember these two guys. It really does look just like them, but in your cool style. I dig it. And yes we do need to have a game night when that game comes out and do some drawing. Later!

  5. Nice work freckles.

  6. Superb work !! You've got the likeneses spot on !!

  7. Hi! Love the pictures!!! almost as I love the series!! I'm portuguese, so sorry if my english isn't the best!!! In Portugal I'm still waiting for season 3, and probably will for a long time!! Kiss

  8. You can Capture a likeness like no other.


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