Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Paradise Lost

I feel guilty that I haven't posted in a while. I'm amazed at people who do it so often. Work has kept me really busy, which is a lame excuse because all the frequent posters that I mentioned earlier have jobs too. Many of them work at the same place I do. I've decided to post more of my sketches and get less hung up on only posting more finished pieces.

Anyway, this is Gollum, if you couldn't tell (one of my co-workers thought it was Ghandi, I added the thought bubble to make it more obvious). I wanted to draw him at the depression stage of his withdrawal.


  1. Gollum... Ghandi... there's very little difference. Thank heavens for thought bubbles. This is great! I love the expression, and the whole shape of him. And those blank eyes... he kind of reminds me of an owl... an owl who thinks of a ring. Oh, wait - he's thinking of a ring? Gollum.

  2. I really like this sad little guy. The lighting is great, too.

  3. Maybe people are posting when they should be working. Nahhhhh. I can't imagine anybody doing something like that. Nice work on the Gollum. Well, I better get back to work.

  4. Excellent work Kevin. I knew it was Gollum when I saw him. The eyes and the thought bubble were the give-away, but the fact that he's sitting on a rock in the middle of a cave lake makes it fairly apparent too. The thought bubble is a nice touch, but not vital to the narrative.

  5. Superb pic,very funny !!!!!! :)

  6. I burst out laughing when I saw this! Then I laughed harder reading someone thought this was Ghandi! I think the ring should have been a dead giveaway, if nothing else. Maybe Ghandi went on a jewelry strike before his hunger strike. Oh, well... Great work!

  7. I also laughed when I saw this pic and read the part about Ghandi. I can totally see it, although I am pretty sure Ghandi was usually dressed a little more, and had some big ol' glasses. I knew who it was supposed to be right away. I like it a lot. I get the feeling he is about to cry for his precious or something.


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.