Friday, June 23, 2006


I keep drawing pirates (I'm excited for July 7th).


  1. hehehe awesome you could make a whole crew of these characters! Great stuff Kev

  2. Well he definitely wasn't a crest kid now was he? Pretty cool though! I am so excited for that movie! Got my tickets for Thursday at midnight! Well actually my beautiful and compitent wife got them for me. She knows me so well...

  3. great work!! Can't wait to see more!

  4. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Amazing work, I love your style! Nice pirate, I find myself drawing them a lot more in anticipation for July 7th as well...

  5. great stuff!!! keep the pirates comin'

  6. You have some amazing stuff on this blog. I love the pirates... and also the non-pirates. Very cool stuff. Turns out I work with you... obviously not very closely, though.

  7. Cool! You can't go wrong with pirates! You've got some great work here.

    I, too, am excited for the 7th!

  8. Great character Kevin! I really like your choice of color- really really works well here, and the overall design is really nice! Keep rockin'!!

  9. This is an awesome pirate! You've got some really great stuff here.

  10. Kevin, great suprise to see a post from you on my blog. Thanks for stopping by! I'm sure I'll be back here frequently, so be sure to post when you can. I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with next!


I'm taking down the comment moderation since the spam seems to have let up. Hopefully I don't need to bring it back.