Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tommy and Ray

I'm a big fan of both Film Noir and cheesy sci-fi movies of the 40's and 50's(though I can't stand Mystery Science Theater 3000-shut up and let me watch the movie, I know why it's funny). Anyway, I drew these as a tribute to all great pulp art.


  1. hahahahah awesome designs! Love the colors

  2. Love that brain exposed octo alien! Great work! Are you by chance related to Steve Keele? I used to work with Steve a million years ago at Viewpoint Datalabs in Orem...

  3. You've got to appreciate the low-tech solutions these guys came up with to create, what was then, some of the coolest stuff on the silver screen. With the advent of photo-realistic computer generated images we laugh at the cheese up there on the screen, but back then it was state of the art, and they did it all on a shoe string budget; no 2 million dollar budgets; they were more like $10,000 to $100,000.

    My hat goes off to those golden- years FX guys, and the great cheese they created. You're illustrations do them justice.

  4. Kind of 'Fiend without a face' meets 'This Island Earth' !! Cool stuff man !!!!


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